Hot Tub Health Benefits

Humans have been enjoying the benefits of hydrotherapy for thousands of years and while most of us enjoy bathing in hot water, we probably do not all understand the full benefits that this provides. Some of the benefits of soaking in a hot tub like reducing stress are quite obvious whereas others are less apparent. In this post we will explain 7 hot tub health benefits as well as considering some key questions about hot tub bathing habits. 

1. Stress Relief

In a World that constantly puts us under pressure, relief from stress is hugely important to look after our mental wellbeing. A hot tub is a perfect escape from our hectic lives. Whether it is the massage of the jets or sitting in still water and stargazing, a hot tub can become your very own oasis. Even though this benefit is probably the most obvious, studies have proven that hydrotherapy has a physical and emotional benefit on our bodies. 

2. Muscle Relaxation & Recovery

Another quite obvious benefit of soaking in hot water is the relaxation of our muscles. The warm water in a hot tub improves circualtion which in turn soothes aches and pains and eases soreness from sporting activities. A study from Swedish scientists highlights the benefits of heating and cooling after exercise and actually found in their study that heat offers small advantages over cool recovery methods. 

3. Improved Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important parts of living healthy lifestyle. The NHS states that sleep is important to rest and repair our mind and body. It's vital for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. According to research published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropological Applied Human Science, individuals who immersed themselves in warm water about an hour before going to bed experienced quicker sleep onset, reduced nocturnal restlessness, and entered deeper stages of REM sleep. In addition to the direct benefits that using a hot tub has on sleep improvement, reduced stress levels and muscle relaxation will also help improve the quality of your sleep.

4. Social Interaction / Family Time

Although we have looked at some important benefits that hot tubbing could bring to mental health, there are additional and more direct benefits. Hot tub time with family and friends can stimaute the brain and help your mental wellbeing. Social interaction can also help reduce feelings of loneliness and provide emotional support. So grab yourself a drink and head out to the hot tub with your loved ones for a big ol' catch up away from the stress of modern society!

5. Digital Detox

The modern World has brought us amazing advancements in tehcnology but sometimes we just want to turn it all off and escape. Well with a hot tub, you can! Leave your device indoors and head out to the hot tub with your loved ones for focused conversation away from the distractions of our devices. Reducing time on devices is not just a huge benefit for our mental health but it can also have a positive impact on our cognitive functions.

6. Weight Loss 

While a hot tub will burn more calories than sitting on the sofa (3% more to be precise!), the indirect benefits are perhaps more profound. Better sleep, improved muscle recovery and a place to relax after a workout helps to support a weight loss journey and helps a weight loss programe be more successful. You can find out more in our blog post here: Can a Hot Tub Help with Weight Loss?

7. Improved Cardiovascular Health

According to Havard Medical School, bathing in a hot tub can cause your blood vessels to dilate, which in turn reduces blood pressure. Bathing in a hot tub also enhances blood circulation and boosts blood flow. This then elevates the levels of oxygenation throughout its systems. This enhanced oxygen supply not only alleviates fatigue but also expels toxins from the body.

Is it good to go in a hot tub every day?

Yes! The benefits provided above can be appreciated every day if you wish and many of our customers use their hot tubs daily. Just remember to check with your doctor if you are unsure of any health risks for your personal situation.

How long should you stay in a hot tub?

Many people recommend 15-30 minutes as a good amount of time to spend in a hot tub. If you are planning to stay in for longer, ensure you stay hydrated and if you start to feel dizzy or tired, it is important to get out. 

How hot should a hot tub be?

To experience the benefits of hydrotherapy a hot tub should be between 37.5 and 40 degrees celcius. For more detail on this topic check out our post: What Temperature Should a Hot Tub be?

Who should avoid hot tubs?

Those who are pregnant, have heart disease or other heart conditions should avoid hot tubs generally. Please consult your doctor if you are unsure. 

Do hot tubs give you a rash?

Propely maintained hot tubs do not give you a rash. The most common cause of a rash is an imbalance in chemicals, which leads to bacteria being present in the water and subsequently affects your skin. Some people may have an allergy to certain chemcials but this is quite rare in our experience. If you are unsure about a rash or skin conditon after hot tub use, please consult your doctor.