10 Benefits of Using Your Hot Tub in Winter

The benefits of using a hot tub are not limited to spring or summer. The experience of sitting in warm water outdoors when it is below feeezing is not only unique but also brings various benefits to your physical and mental wellbeing. Winter is one of the toughest times of year for many people and a hot tub provides an escape from harsh weather, dark days and other worries that the world brings. In this post we will look at 10 main benefits of using a hot tub in winter and then cover some common questions around winter hot tubbing.

1. Warm Up Those Cold Winter Days

Winter can be harsh in many different ways but the weather plays one of the biggest parts. Ice, snow, rain and cold winds can make keeping warm a constant battle. What better way to warm up than soaking in 40 degree water with hydrotherapy from the massage jets relieving any aches and pains at the same time!

2. Add a Room to Your House

If you imagine your garden as an additional room to your house then you start to realise how little use this space gets in winter. Using your hot tub enables you to re-connect with the outdoors and use your garden space all year round. So if you are feeling cramped up inside your home during winter then using a hot tub can help to add space to relax and reflect. 

3. Connect With Family & Friends

As mentioned above, the weather can play a huge part in our activities during winter. In today's world we generally find ourselves indoors and relying on technology to keep us entertained during harsh weather however this technology can sometimes prevent deep and meaningful connection with others. A hot tub provides a space away from technology in order to connect with family and friends and during winter this can be especially valuable. 

4. Help with Weight Loss

Winter can be a tough period for motivation especially when it comes to exercise and healthy eating. After a period of indulgence during Christmas, January is a chance to set new fitness and health goals. Hot tubs can be a great way to assist in your weight loss journey, find out more in our blog post: Can a Hot Tub help with Weight Loss?

5. Muscle Relaxation / Recovery

Soaking in a hot tub provides the benefit of hydrotherapy. This can increase the blood flow from the extremities into the core and speed up the processing of lactic acid. which directly helps with muscle recovery and healing. So whether you are on a weight loss journey, enjoy sport as a hobby or have a physical job, a hot tub will provide a great place for recovery, especially in the depths of winter. 

6. Improve Mental Wellness

A hot tub provides a great way to connect with family/friends and get away from the stresses of everyday life. This has a direct impact on mental wellbeing. It has also been proven by a study that hot water therapy gives similar benefits to exercise in terms of blood flow, body temperature and heart rate. This helps to increase serotonin and dopamine in your body while decreasing cortisol and epinephrine levels, which improves our overall mental wellbeing.  

7. Enjoy The Best Time of Year For Stargazing

One of the best benefits of hot tubbing without a roof above is the ability to stargaze and this is even better in winter when stars are brighter. According to Earth Sky, if you look outside in the evening during winter you’ll see many bright stars. In December, January and February evenings, the sky will look clearer and sharper than it did 6 months ago, assuming no clouds are in the way.

8. Improve Circulation

Low temperatures cause your blood vessels and arteries to narrow, restricting blood flow and reducing oxygen to the heart. Bathing in a hot tub has been proven to improve circulation. According to research by Coventry University a hot tub can increase blood flow in a similar manner to exercising. Therefore hot tubbing in winter and the increased circulation it brings is important to looking after your cardiovascular system.   

9. Sleep Better

Sleep is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle, affecting both our mental and physical wellbeing. Enjoying a soak in a hot tub about 90 minutes before bed will calm you and also signal to your body that bedtime is near. After soaking in your hot tub, your body cools, and as your body temperature falls, you naturally get drowsy. Climbing into bed feeling calm and comfortable helps you fall asleep faster. This benefit is not specific to winter however with winter generally being tougher on our mind and body, improved sleep helps us to live better. 

10. Protect Your Hot Tub Components

A hot tub that is full and working is at much less risk of a technical issue than a hot tub that is left empty. The risk of freezing during winter creates a risk of leaks within the pipework. A hot tub has a lot of working parts such as pumps and heaters and these are designed to keep moving. A hot tub that has been closed down is therefore more likely to experience seized parts. If you are going to drain down your hot tub then please ensure all water is removed from the pipework and the drain is left open or enquire about our professional winterise service



Is it safe to use a hot tub in winter?

In short, yes! Just be careful getting in and out of your hot tub as the area around your hot tub may be wet or icey. Check out our Happy Poncho Gown to keep warm on the walk back into the house.

What temperature should a hot tub be in winter?

This is a personal choice. Most hot tubs have freeze protection so cannot go below around 26 degrees. In winter it is sometimes advised to go a little higher than you would in spring/summer just to allow for a buffer if the temperature drops while you are bathing. See our other post: What Temperature Should a Hot Tub be?

Can you empty a hot tub in winter?

If you really don't want to experience the benefits above then yes you can. Remove as much water as physically possible from the pipes and leave the drain or unions open to prevent freezing. It may be also be worth covering the hot tub with a cover. View our range of hot tub protection bags.