Cloudy, Milky & Foamy Hot Tub Water
It pretty much goes without saying that hot tub owners will experience cloudy, milky or foamy hot tub water at some point during the period that they own a hot tub. This is not something to worry about as such as these problems can be easily overcome by using certain methods. This article will explain cloudy, milky and foamy hot tub water, what causes this and ways to rectify the problem and make your hot tub water sparkling again!

Cloudy Hot Tub Water

Why is my hot tub water cloudy?

Cloudy hot tub water is where your hot tub water seems to have small particles floating around in it however these particles are not large enough to touch and seem like they could just be air particles. There is no one cause of this issue and you will see this to be recurring in the other types of water issues. The problem can be caused by the following:
  • Unbalanced core levels (Sanitiser, PH, Alkalinity). More likely a low sanitiser level if cloudy.
  • Suspended insoluble particles
  • dead algae
  • organic debris
  • poor filtration (dirty filters)
  • heavy usage leading to an imbalance in core levels
  • Airation with jets on

How to fix and clear cloudy hot tub water

  • Check your filter(s). This is your first point of call with any water quality problem, especially when clarity is an issue. If small particles are not able to be picked up by the filters, it is extremely difficult to solve the problem. Get your filters and rinse them thoroughly or soak them overnight in a filter cleaner. 
  • Check the water balance levels. Your second point of call is the water balance. Check the PH is correct and alter if need be. Check the sanitiser is at the correct level, not too high or too low (a common clarity problem can be caused by high sanitiser levels). 
  • Shock the spa. Using a non-clorine shock, you can usually clear the water fast without having to raise your sanitiser level too high. Working with your clean filter, the shock will clear the particles and in most cases will solve the issue.
  • Try a clarifier. A product such as Spa Sparkle is similar to a flocculent in that it clumps all the small particles together so that they can be filtered, this may allow for the water to clear.
  • Last resort, empty the spa. If you eventually decide that you have lost the battle, drain the hot tub, flush the system with a pipe flush and start again with fresh water. Sometimes this is the best way, especially after a period of heavy usage (e.g. a hot tub party!).

Milky Hot Tub Water

Why is my hot tub water milky?

Milky hot tub water is where the water essentially looks like milk, adding a white tint to the water and making it difficult to see the bottom of the hot tub. Similar to cloudy hot tub water there is no one and only cause of this issue. The problem could be caused by:
  • Unbalanced core levels (Sanitiser, PH, Alkalinity). More likely to be an excessively high sanitiser level if milky.
  • suspended insoluble particles
  • dead algae
  • organic debris
  • poor filtration (dirty filters)

How to fix and clear milky hot tub water

  • Check your filter(s). This is your first point of call with any water quality problem, especially when clarity is an issue. If small particles are not able to be picked up by the filters, it is extremely difficult to solve the problem. Get your filters and rinse them thoroughly or soak them overnight in a filter cleaner. 
  • Check the water balance levels. Your second point of call is the water balance. Check the PH is correct and alter if need be. Check the sanitiser is at the correct level, not too high or too low (a common milky water problem can be caused by high sanitiser levels). 
  • Shock the spa. Using a non-clorine shock, you can usually clear the water fast without having to raise your sanitiser level too high. Working with your clean filter, the shock will clear the particles and in most cases will solve the issue.
  • Try a clarifier. A product such as Spa Sparkle is similar to a flocculent in that it clumps all the small particles together so that they can be filtered, this may allow for the water to clear.
  • Last resort, empty the spa. If you eventually decide that you have lost the battle, drain the hot tub, flush the system with a pipe flush and start again with fresh water. Sometimes this is the best way, especially after a period of heavy usage (e.g. a hot tub party!).

Foamy Hot Tub Water

Why is my hot tub water foaming?

Foamy hot tub water is where a build up of foam is visible on the surface of the water and can sometimes lead to a film being left on the top of the water and around the waterline. For this problem it is slightly easier to pin down the cause in comparison to cloudy or milky hot tub water. Foam build up is caused by non-organic products like cosmetics such as deodorant, makeup and detergents on bathing costumes. It can also be caused by an imbalance in PH level too but this is less common.

How to fix and clear foamy hot tub water

  • Fix the cause rather than treat the symptoms! Solve the problem by tackling it at the start. Showering before use helps to prevent non-organic materials from getting into your hot tub water. Washing your bathing costumes in detergent is not wholly necessary when using a hot tub, it is better for your hot tub if you rinse them under the tap then hang them up to dry meaning that no detergent can sneak its way into your hot tub. 
  • Shock your spa and clean your filters. Using a Non Chlorine shock will oxidise these non-organic products and dump the particles on your filters. Clean your filter thoroughly with a filter cleaning solution. 
  • Use anti-foam products. "No Foam" is a product that should be used sparingly, as it is more of a quick-fix for the symptoms of foaming and does not prevent the problem from reoccurring. Using it in small amounts can quickly clear the foam from the waterline in the short-term and therefore helps the appearance of the spa but it is best not to rely on it long-term.
  • Drain down the hot tub and flush the system. This is a last resort as almost all foaming can be fixed without needing to drain and refill. A pipe flush will help flush the system through before draining. By draining the hot tub you are removing the water affected by foaming and replenishing fresh so this will cut the foaming.